Data Analytics - Power BI and SQL

Power BI Core Contents

Connecting and Tranforming Data

Power BI Desktop Visualizations

Modelling with Power BI

Dax Expressions

Publishing and Sharing

Refreshing Datasets

SQL Core Contents

Microsoft SQL CRUD Operations

Filtering Data

Sorting Data

Extracting data from Multiple Tables using Joins

Aggregate Functions

Additional Topics

50 + Hours course, with Recorded Videos

Do not paranoid, if you miss out on any class, We have every Class recorded, and will be shared to you after each session.

Resume and CL Building

We will get you trained with a real time project scenarios, and help you in accentuating your profile. Guiding you with Building CV, and Cover Letter.

Mock Interviews

We are try cover all the scenario based questions and make you familiar with technical questions.

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(+61) 403 499 150

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